
Craftsman story Mr. Parji, from diligence produces beautiful art.
There are so many craftsman from Maharani that we can learn from the perseverance and sincere heart. One of them is Mr. Parji. He is one of Maharani craftsman partner. He started learning how to process stones in 1989. He learn it from Dr. Sukoco Cokrosuwarno
2 years later, Mr. Aseng visited Mr. Parji’s workshop at the Batu Mulia Bina Unit or known as PT UBIBAM, Pacitan. . That’s where Pak Parji and Pak Aseng met and discussed the potential of natural stones scattered throughout Indonesia.
Unfortunately the business tends to have a downward cycle, this made Pak Parji decide to resign from PT UBIBAM in 1998 and pursue the natural stone business at his home.
Don’t just give up, because this love of natural stone makes Pak Parji continue to process from one stone to another. One day, the small business got a guest, the same guest when Pak Parji was still at PT UBIBAM. Year after year, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. A decade later, Pak Aseng met with Pak Parji again to discuss natural stones. Pak Parji took Pak Aseng around, showing him the potential to process the stones he still had. The expertise is still there and deserves to be employed in the company in the future.
Long time ago, the business of precious stones began to be known to the wider community. In 2014, precious stones became a jewelry trend throughout Indonesia. There is also the highest point of Pak Parji’s business.
The relationship between Pak Parji and Pak Aseng became harmonious and went well from year to year. Pak Aseng did not hesitate to provide information and knowledge about the natural stones that he had. Unexpectedly, it turns out that his experience and knowledge so far have been enriched again with Maharani Handycraft. Here, Pak Parji knows hundreds of types of stones and hundreds more types of crafts that can be made from precious stones.
Through Maharani Handycraft, Pak Parji got a new experience. Pak Aseng had asked Pak Parji to replace him to come to Bali. It was Pak Parji’s opportunity to visit the Land of the Gods for the first time. From there, Pak Parji got an order to be done at his house. Not only that, he also received pocket money from Pak Aseng to return the favor for having replaced him in Bali.
Pak Aseng’s kindness made Pak Parji a partner for the future to complement each other, work together, and benefit each other. Pak Parji also hopes that he can always share his thoughts to find ways to make this craft known and sold both at home and abroad.
It is hoped that by collaborating with local craftsmen, Maharani Handycraft, they will be able to MAINTAIN AND EMPOWER the heritage of the Indonesian nation in terms of products and skills possessed by other local craftsmen such as Pak Parji.